Monday, September 28, 2009

F1 days.. Must at least take a picture.

Some strange and interesting performance. These people are real. Kinda scary at first. Like corpse bride. you know that movie?

The rest of the people sitting around and wait. It was like a little village filled with tourist. It doesnt feel like Singapore. I enjoyed the atmosphere. Everyone was happy.

What on earth am i doing? Trying to take a picture with my mouth open. This is of the pics i took at the race. I was just too tired to take more. Energy drained away at work. William managed to get 2 padang grandstand tics. The initial plan was for the 2 of us. At the very last min, he received the "PADDOCK" ticket lor. Just one ticket, so he went for it. Thats why i ended up w my mom.
Mom sitting in the middle of the Padang field. Picnic F1 is finally over and my work is done for the season. Been working for 4 nights in a row. From redbull party starting on wednesday and the next 3 nights for Ferrari party. It is alot of hard work because we have to withstand long hours standing in tall heels (4 inches). Ladies will understand how painful it is. For the redbull party, it is mainly mingling with the crowd. I didnt take any pictures, was too tired for this. Party started at about 9 and ended at 2am instead of 3am. Lucky. Reporting at 5pm for hair and makeup.
As for the Ferrari party, its 6 hours every night at St james. My job was to teach the Simulator game of the F1 race and giving out freebies. Shoes were killing and im glad it is over. It is just another event that i survived with. The worst that ive done was the Singapore motorshow. 11 days of work. Oh my god! i still remember. I made a few new friends through this.

Me on the left. Stella in the middle. i thought she looked like my other friend. Genecia from MSU. Betty on the right. She is a talent. She can sing, dance, perform, act and model. Im nothing to her!

Jamie here ----> Poor girl who gotten hurt on the 2nd day. Someone pushed a speaker onto her feet. Painful! And yet she is working for 2 events in a day. Young girl, got lotsa energy. I cant. too old for that! Oh . I bought an Osim pen that massages head, for headaches. But im using it for my feet instead. Anything that can make the pain go away. My sweet husband gave me a massage on the 2nd night and i screamed. Thank you , William. ....... naughty boy!

The whole group who worked for this party. In charged were mostly from Malaysia. The tallest model is from korea. I had to say this. She isnt very friendly. Was it their culture or she's just a proud model. Friendly to the crew though. This party is split into 2. So there is another one at Zouk.