Wednesday, June 23, 2010

After purchasing the iphone, i barely use my camera for photo taking. I have been loading my pictures directly from my phone to FB. Iphone is a fantastic invention . Been having lots of mood swings recently and im learning to cope with it. From my research, it is part of the hormones change and that is because i am expecting no. 2.. I certainly hope it will be a boy, because that is what william would want. It will be perfect to have a girl and a boy. Ive gotten my girl though.
I would think that by thinking too much resulted in my mood swing. Afterall, my helper is leaving in October and she cant stay longer as she has home matters to settle which is all the same for all helpers. I had to let her leave earlier even her contract ends in Feb next year. I need time to get use to new helper and train her too. SO too much thoughts for now. I know William is trying to reduce my worries, he managed to get a confinement nanny that is willing to work during CNY. Btw, baby due on CNY period. But, i have to say women can think alot and im one of them.
How is Jessica able to cope, her school term starts in Jan too. Everything, all together. Gotta take 1 step at a time.
Meanwhile, i will continue to model till my tummy starts bloating. The last time, i could only see the bumps at 5 months. Hopefully its about the same and a smooth one. God bless....

Oh, its our wedding anniversary today.

I love you dear and nothing has change since the day we went. From courtship to marriage to parenting and parents of No. 2 soon. I cant say we went through alot, but definately not little. We grew together and understood each other better. I love our marriage and i will continue to cherish it. Hope you feel the same too. Hugs..

better surprise me with some delicious food later. haha